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Arm Liposuction
When can I drive again?You can drive after liposuction as soon as you’re comfortable moving around for a prolonged period of time. Also, it's very important to no longer need any narcotic pain medication (like hydrocodone or oxycodone) that may affect your driving or use of other heavy equipment. Once you are pain free, you can drive. |
Arm Liposuction
Will I lose sensitivity in the surgical area?There is no permanent loss sensitivity in the surgical area and very few reports of temporary loss of sensitivity in the surgical area. |
Arm Liposuction
How much pain will there be?Everyone's perception of pain is different, but with oral pain medication, millions of patients have undergone liposuction with a manageable level of pain. Most pain will resolve within a few days and bruising will resolve in 1 to 2 weeks. |
Arm Liposuction
How long does it take for my results to look normal?After liposuction, the skin has to tighten after the fat underneath has been removed. This tightening begins immediately after surgery but will become more noticeable with improved contours within 2 weeks, reaching a climax at 3 months but continuing at a slower pace for up to a year. |
Arm Liposuction
Am I too old to be having this procedure?Old is a state of mind! However, in the case of liposuction, older age may affect your results. Specifically, after liposuction, your skin tightens but the extent of tightening depends on the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin. As you get older, you have less collagen and elastin so you may experience less skin tightening after liposuction. Therefore, based on the recommendation of your doctor, you may also need skin removal at the same time as liposuction. As in the case of excess fat to the abdomen, you may need an abdominoplasty to remove excess skin since the skin may not tighten enough in older age after liposuction alone. |
Arm Liposuction
Am I too young to be having this procedure?For any surgery, patients must be of legal age to make a decision as an adult, which is the age of 18. In regards to liposuction, you should wait until you feel your body has completely developed into its adult shape. However, liposuction is more effective in patients under the age of 50 since they have more collagen and elastin in the skin and therefore will have greater skin tightening after liposuction. |
Arm Liposuction
What age do you recommend having this procedure?In addition to determining if liposuction is the appropriate treatment for your concerns (excess fat, but minimal excess skin), you’re a good candidate for liposuction under the age of 50. |
Arm Liposuction
When can I be physically active again?You can be as active as you want because if something hurts with activity, you will minimize that particular activity. You will be the best judge of what your body can tolerate after liposuction. |
Arm Liposuction
How soon can I resume having sex after my procedure?You can return to sexual activity as soon as you want as long as it does not cause you pain. That will be a decision only you can make. |
Arm Liposuction
Will my life be at risk with this procedure?There are always risks with cosmetic surgery because, after all, it is still surgery. If you are particularly concerned with the type of anesthesia you will need, speak with your doctor and see if your procedure can be done under local anesthesia or light sedation rather than general anesthesia that requires a breathing tube being placed in the mouth. |
Arm Liposuction
Is liposuction considered a major surgery?Liposuction is not as serious as heart surgery but the same basic risks are present, such as formation of blood clots in the legs while lying on the operating room table or risks associated with infection or anesthesia. Additionally, liposuction, in rare instances, can cause particles of fat to enter the blood stream and travel to the lungs which can lead to shortness of breath but this is exceedingly rare. |
Arm Liposuction
When will the swelling go down?Most swelling will resolve in the first 2 weeks but all of the swelling will need up to 3 months to completely resolve. Do not be disappointed if you feel that you are bigger immediately after liposuction – the instruments used to remove fat can cause trauma to the tissues that result in swelling but this will resolve quickly. You will be given a body garment to help with this swelling. |
Arm Liposuction
How many visits does it take to see results?Depending on how often you see your doctor after your procedure, you will see results by the first or second postoperative visit within the first 2 weeks. |
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
When can I drive again?You can drive after liposuction as soon as you’re comfortable moving around for a prolonged period of time. Also, it's very important to no longer need any narcotic pain medication (like hydrocodone or oxycodone) that may affect your driving or use of other heavy equipment. Once you are pain free, you can drive.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Will I lose sensitivity in the surgical area?There is no permanent loss sensitivity in the surgical area and very few reports of temporary loss of sensitivity in the surgical area.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
How much pain will there be?Everyone's perception of pain is different, but with oral pain medication, millions of patients have undergone liposuction with a manageable level of pain. Most pain will resolve within a few days and bruising will resolve in 1 to 2 weeks.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
How long does it take for my results to look normal?After liposuction, the skin has to tighten after the fat underneath has been removed. This tightening begins immediately after surgery but will become more noticeable with improved contours within 2 weeks, reaching a climax at 3 months but continuing at a slower pace for up to a year.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Am I too old to be having this procedure?Old is a state of mind! However, in the case of liposuction, older age may affect your results. Specifically, after liposuction, your skin tightens but the extent of tightening depends on the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin. As you get older, you have less collagen and elastin so you may experience less skin tightening after liposuction. Therefore, based on the recommendation of your doctor, you may also need skin removal at the same time as liposuction. As in the case of excess fat to the abdomen, you may need an abdominoplasty to remove excess skin since the skin may not tighten enough in older age after liposuction alone.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Am I too young to be having this procedure?For any surgery, patients must be of legal age to make a decision as an adult, which is the age of 18. In regards to liposuction, you should wait until you feel your body has completely developed into its adult shape. However, liposuction is more effective in patients under the age of 50 since they have more collagen and elastin in the skin and therefore will have greater skin tightening after liposuction. |
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
What age do you recommend having this procedure?In addition to determining if liposuction is the appropriate treatment for your concerns (excess fat, but minimal excess skin), you’re a good candidate for liposuction under the age of 50.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
When can I be physically active again?You can be as active as you want because if something hurts with activity, you will minimize that particular activity. You will be the best judge of what your body can tolerate after liposuction.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
How soon can I resume having sex after my procedure?You can return to sexual activity as soon as you want as long as it does not cause you pain. That will be a decision only you can make.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Will my life be at risk with this procedure?There are always risks with cosmetic surgery because, after all, it is still surgery. If you are particularly concerned with the type of anesthesia you will need, speak with your doctor and see if your procedure can be done under local anesthesia or light sedation rather than general anesthesia that requires a breathing tube being placed in the mouth.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Is liposuction considered a major surgery?Liposuction is not as serious as heart surgery but the same basic risks are present, such as formation of blood clots in the legs while lying on the operating room table or risks associated with infection or anesthesia. Additionally, liposuction, in rare instances, can cause particles of fat to enter the blood stream and travel to the lungs which can lead to shortness of breath but this is exceedingly rare.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
When will the swelling go down?Most swelling will resolve in the first 2 weeks but all of the swelling will need up to 3 months to completely resolve. Do not be disappointed if you feel that you are bigger immediately after liposuction – the instruments used to remove fat can cause trauma to the tissues that result in swelling but this will resolve quickly. You will be given a body garment to help with this swelling.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
How many visits does it take to see results?Depending on how often you see your doctor after your procedure, you will see results by the first or second postoperative visit within the first 2 weeks.
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
When can I drive again?You can drive after liposuction as soon as you’re comfortable moving around for a prolonged period of time. Also, it's very important to no longer need any narcotic pain medication (like hydrocodone or oxycodone) that may affect your driving or use of other heavy equipment. Once you are pain free, you can drive. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
Will I lose sensitivity in the surgical area?There is no permanent loss sensitivity in the surgical area and very few reports of temporary loss of sensitivity in the surgical area. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
How much pain will there be?Everyone's perception of pain is different, but with oral pain medication, millions of patients have undergone liposuction with a manageable level of pain. Most pain will resolve within a few days and bruising will resolve in 1 to 2 weeks. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
How long does it take for my results to look normal?After liposuction, the skin has to tighten after the fat underneath has been removed. This tightening begins immediately after surgery but will become more noticeable with improved contours within 2 weeks, reaching a climax at 3 months but continuing at a slower pace for up to a year. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
Am I too old to be having this procedure?Old is a state of mind! However, in the case of liposuction, older age may affect your results. Specifically, after liposuction, your skin tightens but the extent of tightening depends on the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin. As you get older, you have less collagen and elastin so you may experience less skin tightening after liposuction. Therefore, based on the recommendation of your doctor, you may also need skin removal at the same time as liposuction. As in the case of excess fat to the abdomen, you may need an abdominoplasty to remove excess skin since the skin may not tighten enough in older age after liposuction alone.
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
Am I too young to be having this procedure?For any surgery, patients must be of legal age to make a decision as an adult, which is the age of 18. In regards to liposuction, you should wait until you feel your body has completely developed into its adult shape. However, liposuction is more effective in patients under the age of 50 since they have more collagen and elastin in the skin and therefore will have greater skin tightening after liposuction.
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
What age do you recommend having this procedure?In addition to determining if liposuction is the appropriate treatment for your concerns (excess fat, but minimal excess skin), you’re a good candidate for liposuction under the age of 50.
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
When can I be physically active again?You can be as active as you want because if something hurts with activity, you will minimize that particular activity. You will be the best judge of what your body can tolerate after liposuction. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
How soon can I resume having sex after my procedure?You can return to sexual activity as soon as you want as long as it does not cause you pain. That will be a decision only you can make. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
Will my life be at risk with this procedure?There are always risks with cosmetic surgery because, after all, it is still surgery. If you are particularly concerned with the type of anesthesia you will need, speak with your doctor and see if your procedure can be done under local anesthesia or light sedation rather than general anesthesia that requires a breathing tube being placed in the mouth. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
Is liposuction considered a major surgery?Liposuction is not as serious as heart surgery but the same basic risks are present, such as formation of blood clots in the legs while lying on the operating room table or risks associated with infection or anesthesia. Additionally, liposuction, in rare instances, can cause particles of fat to enter the blood stream and travel to the lungs which can lead to shortness of breath but this is exceedingly rare. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
When will the swelling go down?Most swelling will resolve in the first 2 weeks but all of the swelling will need up to 3 months to completely resolve. Do not be disappointed if you feel that you are bigger immediately after liposuction – the instruments used to remove fat can cause trauma to the tissues that result in swelling but this will resolve quickly. You will be given a body garment to help with this swelling. |
Liposuction to Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, or Ankles
How many visits does it take to see results?Depending on how often you see your doctor after your procedure, you will see results by the first or second postoperative visit within the first 2 weeks.
Tummy Tuck
I am 26 years old and have been plagued with being overweight my whole life due to poor genetics. I eat right and exercise for at least an hour a day and have been stuck at my current weight and shape for over a year. I tried everything and nothing seems to work so my only option, I believe, is surgery. Now, my question is what is my best option to get the results I want and have as little recovery time as possible because I only have a limited amount of time I can take off work.Thanks for your question. If you are overweight and diet and exercise haven't worked, then the next option is weight loss surgery like the lap-band, gastric bypass or gastric sleeve. A general surgeon that specializes in bariatric (weight loss) surgery would be the person to speak to about this in more detail. If after the surgical weight loss your excess skin does not tighten on its own, then you may be a candidate for removal of excess skin from a plastic surgeon. These procedures like a tummy tuck or arm lift are very effective with a quick recovery. Hope that helps.
Brazilian Butt Lift
I'm thinking about having fat transferred into my butt. I have little to no tummy fat. I have thigh and arm fat so where else would they take it from? If it comes from my thighs and arms, do I have to pay for that lipo? Your plastic surgeon can take fat from your arms, inner and outer thighs, flanks and whatever fat you have available in your abdomen and transfer it to your buttocks. Even though you don't think you have any tummy fat, everyone has more fat hiding there than they think! As long as the fat taken from your body is then transferred to your buttocks, you are NOT charged for liposuction from those areas. The cost of liposuction is already included in the cost of the butt lift.
Tummy Tuck
I'm in need of a butt lift and tummy tuck. I was wondering if a body lift will do both of these things, or are the procedures much different? Also, what is fat augmentation?A tummy tuck removes excess skin from the front of the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles to remove any bulges. A body lift removes excess fat from the front AND back of the abdomen/torso. So a body lift would be more appropriate if you had a "belt" of excess skin around your lower abdominal/back region. Fat augmentation is when we take your existing fat, using liposuction, and reinject it into areas that you'd like more fullness, like the buttocks.
Brazilian Butt Lift
What does a body lift consist of? I'm interested in a tummy tuck (to help get rid of love handles), then take the fat from my abdomen and inject my buttocks with that fat. Is this all one price or different prices for all?What you're asking for is essentially a tummy tuck and a Brazilian butt lift. We would remove excess fat from your abdomen via liposuction, then remove the abdominal skin (tummy tuck) and take the fat we removed and reinject into your buttocks for a Brazilian butt lift. If you go to the Procedure Pricing section of BuildMyBod, you'll find Dr. Kaplan in San Francisco, for example, that offers Traditional Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Injections. You would choose these 2 procedures and submit a wishlist for a total cost estimate. Most surgeons will give you a discount on the 2nd procedure so the actual price you're quoted in the office will DEFINITELY be less expensive than the price you receive from BuildMyBod.
Is there a way to add girth to my penis?While the methods for adding girth don't always work, they are more successful than adding length.
Adding girth can be done using sterile human dermis, called Alloderm, or injecting a patient's own fat under the skin of the penis.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Picture can be sent - I would like info of abdomen/hip lipo Thank you for your question. You may send us a picture to colleague@buildmybod.com and a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will answer your question. In the meantime, check out the article "Liposuction of Abdominal Flank" in the BuildMyBod Knowledge Center, by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser: www.buildmybod.com/knowledge/Liposuction-of-Abdominal-Flank/450/. If you prefer a non-surgical option, you might want to consider CoolSculpting - the FDA approved non-surgical fat reduction treatment. There is no surgery or downtime associated with this procedure, and if you are a candidate, your doctor can freeze and permanently remove "stubborn fat" with CoolSculpting. To get procedure pricing from Plastic Surgeons in your area, visit our "Pricing" page (www.buildmybod.com/pricing) and submit a wishlist. |
Arm Liposuction
The previous question regarding armpit fat piqued my interest. Is there any way to safely have it removed? And the other thing is is there any way to tighten neck skin without having a face lift?Fat near the armpit can be treated non-surgically with CoolSculpting, which is a non-surgical way to permanently reduce fat with no downtime. If you're not a candidate for CoolSculpting, a relatively minor surgical procedure can be performed to treat armpit fat. As for the neck, liposuction or radio frequency devices can tighten the neck skin - it just all depends on the quality of your skin. Check out www.buildmybod.com/pricing to find a plastic surgeon in your area and the cost of their procedures. Best of luck.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Do you do liposuction to smooth dimples? I had a liposuction on my butt and thighs about 15 years ago and I don't necessarily need them smaller, but they are now ugly and dimply. I don't know what to do. Can you please advise as to the best procedure to investigate? Thank you! Dimples in the buttocks and thighs are due to cellulite which is caused by fibers attached to the undersurface of the skin. Liposuction won't fix this. The fibers need to be cut but often they return, causing the dimpling again. While no treatment is perfect, the Cellulaze machine is very effective in cutting these fibers and removing the dimples. |
Brazilian Butt Lift
Im interested in a Brazilian butt lift but my bmi is 18.5. In 5'2 and about 101 lbs. I try to gain weight but I just can't seem to put on any weight. How much fat do I need for this procedure? What can I do to help with the weight gain?Thanks for your question. It's never a good idea to gain weight just for surgery. However, many patients have more fat than they realize. For example, a lot of fat is hidden in the lower back and inner thighs. And even if you don't have enough fat, aggressive liposuction to the lower back and thighs can make the buttocks look bigger even without fat injections. It's all about contours and how the buttock looks relative to the surrounding body - not just how big the buttocks actually are. Find a board certified plastic surgeon for an in-person evaluation. Best of luck.
Arm Lift
How long is the down time for the arm lift. Also how is the scaring.Your arms will feel "tight" after the arm lift but there's not prolonged downtime. No more than a few days until you can do whatever you want to do. The scarring is the only real downside to an arm lift. The scar is long and extends from the armpit towards the elbow. It is placed on the inside of the arm to conceal it as best as possible. If you don't have a lot of hanging arm skin, this an arm lift is not the appropriate procedure. If you mostly have fat and minimal excess skin, go for Botox or CoolSculpting.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Iam 240 and I want some fat off my tummy and back and arm Liposuction is a possible option. Depending on how your height and weight compare, your docotor may ask you to diet and exercise first.
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
If I want a full body liposuction (arms, flank, abdomen, thighs, knees, and ankles) would the surgeon also remove the excess skin that comes along with the extra fat or must I pay a seperate fee for that?If you needed skin removed at the same time as liposuction, that would be a different procedure with a different fee. However, after doing liposuction, your skin may tighten enough that you would not need to have extra skin removed. |
Tummy Tuck
I have an umbilical hernia and some excess tummy skin, I've had 3 children. I'm 45 years old. You can have the umbilical hernia repaired at the same time as a tummy tuck. Regardless of which doctor you go to, they should tell you of one particular risk associated with this procedure. In the process of doing the tummy tuck and repairing the hernia at the same time, there's a risk of interrupting the blood supply to the belly button and then the belly button would die or even require being removed during the same operation. You can have the belly button reconstructed at a later procedure but there's no guarantee it will look the same as the original. |
Brazilian Butt Lift
I've been considering plastic surgery for quite some time now. I'd like a beast lift with implants, tummy tuck, and BBL. My problem is I'm too fat. I currently weigh 205 at 5 ft 5 in. (I know. I'm shaking my head too.) Even when I exercised every single day I was only able to get down to 180lbs, so my question is, what is an appropriate BMI for an otherwise healthy 32 year old who doesn't smoke?Most doctors will ask you to be below a BMI of 30. If exercise allowed you to get down to 180, that's a very reasonable goal. Even if your BMI doesn't get below 30 and you show how motivated you are, I'm sure you can find a surgeon. Best of luck. |
Brazilian Butt Lift
Is there a minimal amount of CC that can be put into the butt for the butt lift? So if I only want 150cc of fat but into the but is that possible?Yes, you can put as little or as much as you want. But keep in mind that 50% of the fat goes away after 6 months and what remains, remains forever. So if you only want 150cc, your doctor should put in 300cc since 50% of it will go away. Your right in that you don't have to inject a bunch of fat to get a nice result.
Tummy Tuck
I have a pregnancy over hang is there any chance of improving it with exercise? Exercise can certainly help you lose weight and possible tighten the skin hanging over your abdomen but if not, a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck can help. |
Liposuction to the Ankles
I would like to find a doctor who can help me obtain calf implants. No problem. On the home page of BuildMyBod.com, you can enter the keyword "calf implants" or "calf augmentation" into the blank field and see what practices in your area come up in the results field. Please let us know if you have any other questions at pr@buildmybod.com |
Tummy Tuck
How much will a mommy makeover come out to be Please go to www.buildmybod.com/pricing and find a doctor in your area and then add "mommy makeover" to your wishlist and you can get pricing automatically from that doctor. It will vary depending on the doctor. Good luck. |
Thigh Lift
Hi. Can skin tightening surgery help with wrinkles and/or sagging skin above the knees? Absolutely. You’re looking for a thigh lift which can help tighten skin and remove wrinkles above the knee. |
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
Hello. I plan on getting a Brazilian Butt lift and I know I will probably need a tummy tuck but i dont want to get one yet because I plan on having another baby in about 2 years so I wanted to know what my stomach will look like after it gets liposuctioned. If you do need a tummy tuck but don't want to get one because you're planning on having another baby, then liposuction alone may leave your tummy with excess sagging skin. The skin will probably tighten some but it's impossible to predict how much it will tighten and if it will be to your satisfaction. Best of luck. |
Brazilian Butt Lift
My buttocks is extremely uneven, one side is taught with a clear line and the other looks like a runny egg. Can I fix this?Sounds like you might be a great candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift. You can check pricing on this procedure from a doctor near you on www.BuildMyBod.com/pricing - best of luck! |
Thigh Lift
As a result of continued infections, would a thigh lift be covered by insurance .It certainly could be. Your doctor and insurance company can make that determination. |
How much is the cost for labiaplasty?You can check the cost of a labiaplasty from a doctor near you by going to www.buildmybod.com/pricing - In the United States, the average cost of a labiaplasty is $4,211 but it would be more helpful to go to the link above and check pricing specifically from a doctor near you. |
Tummy Tuck
What does your BMI have to be?Doctors have different cutoffs for body mass index (BMI). If a patient has a BMI over 30, considered obese, the surgeon will not operate on them. But BMI doesn't always tell the whole story because it doesn't account for distribution of fat. For example, if a patient has a BMI over 30 but most of the fat is in the legs and thighs, then they still may be a great candidate for a tummy tuck. Check with your surgeon to see if they have a cutoff.
Arm Lift
So I was planning on a leg shortening surgery, but I want my body to be proportionate. So I was wondering is there a surgery for torso shortening and arm shortening?Torso shortening isn't an option but people who have scoliosis correction actually get taller! |
Tummy Tuck
I recently had a baby (2 months) and although I do not have excess skin, I do have stretch marks on the front and sides. Am I a good candidate for lipo of the abdomen? Or is a Tummy tuck the better option? I’m not particularly worried about stretch marks. The only way to get rid of stretch marks is by removing them with a tummy tuck. But that's a long incision and if you're not worried about the stretch marks, then liposuction may be a good option as long as you mostly have excess fat. If you have a lot of excess skin, liposuction may not get rid of that excess skin. An in person consultation with your doctor will help you make that decision. |
Tummy Tuck
I am extremely unhappy with my c sec scar and would like to get it revised. Looking forward to your answers to the following questions:1. Is it possible to excise the scar and move it further downwards? If yes, how many cm downwards are realistic in my case? (Not much excess fat or skin)2. Is it, at the same time, possible to make the new scar horizontal and less crooked?3. Can the procedure be done in the same session with umbilical hernia repair (I have umbilical hernia and would like to have it fixed in the same session, if possible)Thank you so muchLindaPs. Currently, the scar is 4 months old - healing process so far has been normal.Thanks for your question. As part of a tummy tuck, the C-section scar is typically removed. So it's possible to remove the scar and in the process, the skin will be moved downwards but impossible to tell how many centimeters without seeing in person. Your surgeon can make the new scar straighter and an umbilical hernia repair can be done at the same time if the surgeon chooses or they may have a general surgeon perform that repair. Best of luck. |
Tummy Tuck
I have a botched abdominoplasty where the surgeon didn't use the mesh. I believe my organs have all shifted from it. My lungs feel like they are pressing on my stomach, making it difficult to eat or breathe. The rest of my other organs have settled in the lower half of my abdomen, making that area so tightly stretched my skin is ripping. Can this be fixed, my organs repositioned & the mesh installed? I feel that if it cant, I am literally going to die from thisUsing mesh isn't always required as part of an abdominoplasty. Maybe the doctor thought you had a hernia and suggested mesh but then decided you didn't need it once they got in there for surgery? If you truly have a hernia, it can be fixed with mesh generally speaking. You should discuss with your surgeon and also see a surgeon that specializes in hernia repairs. Best of luck. |
Tummy Tuck
I'm looking to have a non invasive procedure to smooth put my tummy area. I have a fairly small waist but have the wrinkly pooch of lower abdomen skin.I had a consult amd was told I could get body contouring with liposuction to get my tummy flat as the regular contouring would do nothing for me and would be a waste of money. Could someone give me an opinion on that to include pricing. Thank you.You can check pricing from a doctor near you at buildmybod.com/pricing - but you could be a candidate for a mini tummy tuck as well. |
Arm Lift
Both my arms are disproportionately longer than the ‘ideal arm length’ for my height, and it’s been an extreme source of self consciousness for me. My hands almost reach my knees when I’m standing up straight. I’m 17 and have just about finished my growth spurt, so I know that it’s highly unlikely for my body to even itself out because I've heard that the body grows from bottom-up, so there’s isn’t a chance that my torso will grow longer. Plus, my mom also has very long arms so I’m guessing it’s genetic. In the future, when I’m sure I’ve finished growing, I wanted to get plastic surgery. So I was wondering if there is a procedure for this, to make the arms shorter so they’re in proportion with the rest of the body.Leg lengthening is a more common procedure these days and there are instances of someone's torso getting longer/taller when surgically straightening out their back because of scoliosis. However, arm shortening, or leg shortening for that matter, is not typically performed. There is the risk that shortening limbs will "kink" blood vessels or shorten muscles, making them unable to contract at maximum strength, in the process of shortening the limbs. |
Tummy Tuck
Hi I currently have diastases recti my stomach looks like I’m six months pregnant. I would like a mommy makeover however I'll be happy with a flat tummy. I’m currently 237 pounds. I know I need to lose more weight. I also have a lot of loose skin. What would be my best option?Yes, after losing weight, a tummy tuck will definitely give you a flatter abdomen because it will remove loose skin and tighten your lax abdominal wall (rectus diastasis). The limiting factor is how much fat you have on the inside around your intestines. This is called visceral fat and can not be removed during surgery. This can only be removed with weight loss. So after losing weight, including the visceral fat, you will could be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. Best of luck. |
Tummy Tuck
I am looking for a skilled doctor to remove excess skin from back and hips due to weight loss and a BBL procedure at the same time. Plenty of skilled doctors within the BuildMyBod network. Search your zip code at buildmybod.com and then check pricing from a doctor near you. And remember, price isn't the most important quality but it is a piece to the puzzle. |
Tummy Tuck
I’m 40 years old and I’ve tried exercising but can’t seem to lose my belly fat. I’ve had 3 c-sections and my lower part of my stomach seems harder to lose, would I be a good candidate for a tummy tuck?Based on your description, you're exactly who a tummy tuck is designed for! It's not weight loss surgery but meant to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal wall after pregnancy. The procedure will also remove your C-section scar and replace it with a longer, but lower, tummy tuck scar. |
Tummy Tuck
I had a tummy tuck about 15 years ago and lost surface feeling from under ribs to my underwear line. I am curious if it is possible to reattach the top layer of skin to the muscle underneath. Thank you.Numbness after a tummy tuck occurs to some extent after most tummy tucks. Usually it is around the incision but it sounds like yours is more extensive than that. After the tummy tuck, your skin automatically reattached itself to the underlying muscle. So that would not help restore the sensation to your skin surface. If you still have numbness this many years later, that is probably not going to improve or worsen at this point. Hope that makes sense. |
Brazilian Butt Lift
Can I still get a Brazilian Butt Lift under general anesthesia if I am a heroin addict in active use? I am 24 and otherwise healthy.Since most surgery centers, hospitals and in-office operating rooms routinely perform drug testing, you likely wouldn't "pass" the preop testing phase of being cleared for surgery. |
Tummy Tuck
Hello. I am a 37 year old male looking to have a tummy tuck in the next 5 or 6 months. I have adapted a fitness lifestyle and have been focusing on planking and core exercises. My question is will continuously training like this increase my chances of having ab muscles after my tummy tuck?Absolutely! While you could also get lipoetching during your tummy tuck to enhance your abs, working out after surgery will improve your overall results and increase your satisfaction with the results as well. Good luck! |
Brazilian Butt Lift
I’ve considered a bbl (only if I consistently keep weight off, and find a surgeon I trust) but I was wonderingIf I did, would it be possible to keep my hip dips. I quite like them and think they’re cute.Yes, a BBL is very customizable. Fat can be injected into the buttocks without injecting into the hip dips and vice versa. |
Liposuction of Abdominal Flank
I’m scheduled for liposuction in a week on several areas of my body but was beaten a couple of days ago. There’s some bruising in areas that were going to be treated and pain in others although there’s no visible marks. Will the bruising impact the surgery or prevent the surgeon from seeing what they’re doing?So sorry to hear this. Due to the beating, with or without bruising, you could have swelling that could obscure the areas that need liposuction. Definitely let your surgeon know about this and they may want to postpone. Best of luck. |
Hi doctor,I am a 30 year old circumcised male. About 5 months ago I forced the skin of the penis while masturbating. My penis skin has become looser but no slack when I get an erection. I know the penis should be loose in normal condition but it is too loose and uncomfortable. The skin of the penis is loose when it is not erect. Is there a permanent cure for this condition?Yours SincerelyThere are various energy-based devices that use heat, radio frequency or ultrasonic energy to heat the collagen in the skin to tighten the skin. That would be a good option. Best of luck. |
Selfie Makeover
Bought a Groupon for 6 weeks of semaglithide (sp) & want info on new prescription pleaseYou can visit BuildMyBod.com/weight-management and find a doctor in your state to schedule a consultation online and they will send you medication after signing up for the monthly subscription. The process is all online. |
Tummy Tuck
Hi, I’m wondering about weight loss ejections and which one will work for me I really want to try them Go to BuildMyBod.com/weight-management and click on a doctor in your state to book a consultation. They can then go over the differences between semaglutide (active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy) vs tirzepatide (active ingredient in Mounjaro and Zepbound). But they are both weekly injections and work great. There are various factors including cost that will help you determine which is best for you. |