Cyber Monday on BuildMyBod


cyber monday on buildmybodI know it sounds strange but are you looking for any healthcare related deals on Cyber Monday?! You’ve come to the right place. BuildMyBod Health provides for price transparency but also the ability to purchase non-surgical services online. From the MRI your doctor told you to get to Botox and other cosmetic services.


How to take advantage of Cyber Monday on BuildMyBod

Whether you go to the Promos page on or a participating BuildMyBod doctor’s website, purchasing online is easy. In the past, we weren’t in charge of our own healthcare. But with the advent of the internet and the ability to research your ailment and possible treatments, it’s easier than ever to purchase those items online.


Sure, you may not know if you need a CT of the L-spine or a lower back MRI, but after your doctor gives you the info you need, you need to find the most affordable place to get that test. Whereas everyone used to go to the hospital for all services, that’s not always the most cost efficient.


Now with BuildMyBod Health, you can check pricing on services before getting those tests. And considering that you’re more likely to have a high-deductible health plan, you’ll probably be the one paying for it!


It’s not a crazy idea to purchase non-surgical services online. In fact, it’s been going on for at least a year now! The Cosmetic Surgery Times wrote this article about BuildMyBod and Cyber Monday last year.


To check pricing on healthcare services from a doctor near you or to purchase them online, click here.




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