Chrissy Teigen Opens Up About Her Boob Job

Chrissy Teigen becomes the latest famous person to open up about getting a boob job. She joins the ranks of Kaley Cuoco, Victoria Beckham and Anna Faris. For what it’s worth, does it really matter anymore? It’s not shocking and that’s a good thing. Chrissy Teigen and her boob job As time passes, the news […]
Nipple reduction vs areola reduction (sort of like Ford vs Ferrari) [video]

Many patients confuse the anatomical landmarks of the nipple and the areola. In other words, they use the terms as though they’re the same thing. This confusion is clear when discussing a breast augmentation. Most patients believe that one option for placement of the implant, aside from putting it through the armpit or under the […]
Did J Lo get plastic surgery? I say no! [video]

This year’s Super Bowl was disappointing for many reasons. Being from Louisiana, it was disappointing the Saints weren’t in the big game. With San Francisco as my adopted home, it was also disappointing that the 49er’s lost. But what wasn’t disappointing? The appearance of J Lo and Shakira! These women are defying age. And the […]
Breast lift or implants or both [video]

Do you have droopy breasts? Do you need a breast lift or implants? Maybe both? Keep reading to understand your options. And keep in mind, you don’t have to have implants…but you may want them! Breast lift or implants? When a patient has droop to their breasts, they know it because the nipple has […]
Silicone, Saline and Structured (Ideal) Breast Implants

You have options when it comes to breast augmentation. Now you can choose from silicone, saline or structured breast implants. Continue reading to understand the differences. Breast implants: Know your options Even though you may be more familiar with silicone and saline, we’ll still review these. Silicone implants are sturdier and stronger than they […]
3 types of a Mommy Makeover [video]

The term Mommy Makeover is thrown around quite a bit amongst plastic surgeons and patients considering the procedure. But what is it? At its most basic meaning, a Mommy Makeover is a procedure to the breasts and abdomen to give a woman back her pre-pregnancy body. But there are several variations as you will see […]
Which breast lift technique is right for you? [video]

In this post, you’ll read about the breast lift and which breast lift technique may be right for you. The video below provide visual examples of each. They have their pros and cons but most importantly, the type of incision isn’t your “choice.” It’s a matter of how much breast droop or ptosis you have. […]
Breast implants: the smaller the better! [video]

I know it’s tough to resist but when it comes to breast implants, the smaller the better. Everyone thinks you have to go big or go home but it’s not really necessary. There are benefits to smaller implants and additional risks with bigger implants. The smaller the better With bigger implants, the patient may […]
Allergan removes textured breast implants from market [video]

Allergan, the maker of Botox, Juvederm and breast implants is removing their textured breast implants from the market. The news was first reported by the NY Times. Keep reading to get the details of why they’re being removed from the market and what it means for you. Textured breast implants First, this doesn’t apply […]
5 myths about breast augmentation debunked [video]

1. They cause cancer Breast implants don’t cause the typical type of breast cancer that the vast majority of women have. A very rare form of cancer known as lymphoma, which is more of an overgrowth of lymphatic tissue like lymph nodes that can occur anywhere in the body, can also appear, under certain circumstances, […]