How to achieve the best cosmetic surgery results

How to achieve the best cosmetic surgery results

How to achieve the best cosmetic surgery results <p data-wpview-marker=If you want to know how to achieve the best cosmetic surgery results, you need to combine surgery with behavioral modification. That’s a fancy way of saying that the best results will come about with surgery and a healthy diet and exercise regimen. In other words, a lifestyle change.


Achieving the best cosmetic surgery results

The most common impediment to patients achieving their best surgical result is when they depend solely on the operation to fix everything. But as in the case study below, this patient ultimately achieves her best result by accomplishing something surgery can’t. Why can’t surgery fix everything?! Keep reading to understand why.


In this scenario, the patient had a tummy tuck. We made her abdominal wall tighter along with removal of fat and excess skin. These are typical elements of a tummy tuck procedure. But when it comes to fat removal, there are two types of fat. There is the subcutaneous fat – the fat under the skin that we remove with liposuction. And there’s the fat inside the abdomen, around the intestines referred to as visceral fat. Visceral fat can only be removed with weight loss and it’s particularly hard fat to lose.


At the time, the patient was fine with a tummy tuck that couldn’t address the visceral fat. If she did lose visceral fat in the future, her skin could tighten up on its own after a tummy tuck. What we weren’t expecting was the development of abdominal wall laxity after losing visceral fat with a keto diet. Again, the abdominal wall was tightened in the original operation. But once she lost more visceral fat, her abdominal wall had room for more tightening.


So the patient came back for more abdominal wall tightening and now has the result she was looking for. All thanks to surgery and an effective keto diet. You can see the journey in her own words in the video below.


Video: How to achieve the best cosmetic surgery results…lifestyle changes along with surgery

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