3 types of a Mommy Makeover

mommy makeover

mommy makeoverThe term Mommy Makeover is thrown around quite a bit amongst plastic surgeons and patients considering the procedure. But what is it? At its most basic meaning, a Mommy Makeover is a procedure to the breasts and abdomen to give a woman back her pre-pregnancy body. But there are several variations as you will see below.


Types of Mommy Makeover

In our practice, a Mommy Makeover can include a breast procedure (a lift, an augmentation or both), a tummy tuck, but also some other procedures. With pregnancy, the labia minora can stretch and cause discomfort during sex. Or possibly the labia can appear too bulky in underwear or bikini bottoms. For this reason, there are Mommy Makeover procedures that also include a labiaplasty.


With weight gain and loss during pregnancy and afterwards, the buttocks can become deflated like the breasts. That’s why we offer a Brazilian Butt Lift with some Mommy Makeover procedures. The benefit of performing these procedures in combination is that it leads to one recovery instead of multiple recoveries.


Mommy Makeover

As stated above, this procedure includes a breast lift, aug or both along with a tummy tuck. To help the patient understand all of their options when it comes to the breast procedure, we’ve divided every Mommy Makeover into type 1, 2 and 3.


Type 1 refers to a breast lift only. This is necessary when the patient has pendulous, droopy breasts after breast feeding. But they have enough breast tissue so that an implant isn’t necessary. Type 2 refers to a breast augmentation alone. This is necessary when a patient has deflated breasts and needs more volume, as with an implant. And type 3 is a combination of the two – when a patient has droopy and deflated breasts. A lift will improve the shape of the breast and an implant will restore volume.


As you’ll see below, type 1, 2 and 3 can be applied to all three kinds of Mommy Makeover that we offer in our practice.


Mommy Makeover Plus

This is a breast procedure (type 1, 2 or 3), a tummy tuck and a labiaplasty.


Mommy Makeover Deluxe

This includes type 1, 2 or 3 breast procedure as above, a tummy tuck and then a Brazilian Butt Lift to restore volume and lift to the buttocks. A Brazilian Butt Lift is the liposuction of all available fat from the torso with subsequent injection into the buttocks. Check out the video below for more details!


Video describing the 3 types of a Mommy Makeover


Check pricing for a Mommy Makeover from a doctor near you by clicking here.



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