The pandemic is over… time to move on


I’ve had enough. I’m over it. We did what we could. Never before has a pandemic pathogen met its match so quickly. In America, the first shelter in place was in San Francisco on March 16th, 2020 and the first vaccination shot occurred on December 14th, 2020. Within the same year, actually within 9 months. […]

What is breakthrough COVID? [video]

breakthrough covid

 Greg: Hey, this is Greg here with Big Bay Mornings on 99.7 Now. And of course I am here with a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bae. How you doing Dr. Bae?   Dr. Bae: I’m great, Greg. Good to see you.   Greg: It is good to see you too, especially now. I mean, […]

The vaccine is near! The vaccine is safe!


It’s unheard of. The development of a vaccine in 6 months! Usually vaccine development takes 5-10 years. But even after the impossibly difficult stage of developing the COVID vaccine ends, another difficult stage begins: distribution. According to the Wall Street Journal, we could get the vaccine by next week. And while getting the vaccine to […]

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