5 Unexpected Ways Snapchat Transformed My Practice

My practice began experimenting with Snapchat in September of 2016. While I wasn’t sure if it was a passing fad or not, I teamed up with Dr. Miami as an “influencer” within the plastic surgery space. Snapchat may eventually be replaced with Instagram Stories or some other technology, but the combination of “real-time” video and […]

Website contact forms are so 2009!

Do you hate website contact forms as much as me?! Chances are the reason you’re completing a contact form is because you have a specific question. I’m betting you’re not the only one with that question. So rather than a website contact form, why don’t company websites replace the contact form with a more automated […]

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc!

Every conference I go to, there’s always a discussion on social media and if it can be used to engage patients. Some say yes, some say no. I remember when doctors started using Facebook and Twitter years ago. Back then, the answer was a definite yes, it works! But now Facebook and Twitter have given […]

Social Media in the Operating Room

When I was in residency, I thought the hardest thing to do was learn how to do a facelift. Once I got into practice, the hardest thing to do was learn how to run a business, since ultimately, a medical practice is a business that cares for patients. Now I realize, the hardest thing to […]

Attracting millennials to your practice!

As more healthcare services are paid out-of-pocket because the services are cosmetic or because a deductible hasn’t been reached, competition will grow fierce to attract cash-pay patients. Don’t think of this as solely being an issue for plastic surgeons or other doctors that only toil in cosmetic procedures and services. Even medically necessary services like […]

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