Postop Recovery Tips

No matter what procedure you’re having, you’ll need to prepare for some physical (and possibly emotional) limitations after surgery. Set yourself up for success with a few insider tips, as recommended by former surgical patients. A few things I wish I knew before surgery Post-op constipation is real. The combination of narcotic […]
Considering breast aug or fillers? You need to know about biofilm!

Like movies? Biofilm is the most important film you’ve never heard of! Biofilm is the technical name for the slime that bacteria secrete. It’s a problem in the case of breast implants and fillers. We generally worry about blatant infections from bacteria but in the case of implants and fillers, biofilm can cause problems other […]
Smokers and Surgery

Courtesy Getty Images. As a plastic surgeon I require patients to stop smoking before their cosmetic surgery. Since the surgery is elective, I can delay their surgery in case they continue to smoke. Check smokers’ compliance There are urine and blood tests that can screen for the by-products of nicotine to ensure compliance. While […]