What’s the difference between a breast reduction and a breast lift?

plastic surgery

Believe it or not, a breast reduction and a breast lift (mastopexy) are very similar. In many cases, they both require similar incisions. Here’s a little background.   One of the most common types of incision patterns for a breast reduction or breast lift is called the Wise pattern. This is the typical “anchor” or […]

Health Insurance Companies Don’t Care About You/Me

I believe in capitalism and I believe that a company shouldn’t be ashamed of trying to make a profit. After all, staying in business is the name of the game. But when it comes to your healthcare, there is some unwritten rule or maybe it is written in the form of the Hippocratic Oath, that […]

What plastic surgery is covered by insurance?

While it may seem obvious that reconstructive plastic surgery procedures are covered by insurance and cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are not covered, there are some nuances that necessitate clarification. Even the Australian government’s national health service weighed in on the debate recently.       What’s covered? Essentially, if you have a deformity on your […]

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