When your cosmetic goals REQUIRE plastic surgery!

rectus plication

Every easy fix that floods our Instagram feed would equate to an equally good result in a perfect world. But nothing good comes that easy, and there is a time where the only proper fix involves something offered at your doctor’s office, be it a minimally invasive treatment or a surgical procedure. So rather than […]

How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?

eyelid surgery

Recovery from eyelid surgery (aka blepharoplasty) depends on two things. Which eyelids we’re talking about (upper or lower) and what we mean by “recovery.”   Recovery from eyelid surgery Let’s start with the term recovery. If we’re referring to time in bed recovering, then there is no recovery. Upper or lower eyelid surgery has minimal […]

Get rid of lower lid bags

lower lid fat bags

Look younger and more refreshed at work by treating your lower lid bags! Lower lid bags are due to fat from around the eyeballs falling into the lower lids. It happens to most as they age, but there’s also a genetic component to it. When done correctly, it can be a transformational operation.   Lower lid […]

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