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PRP Injection (includes 1 vial)
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PRP can be used for Breast Booster: injected into upper areas of the breast to improve cleavage and lift. Doesn't increase cup size, however will provide a lift. Also does not stimulate the breast cells to grow bigger. Patients typically require minimum, of 2-3 sessions with 4-8 vials per each. Hair Rejuvenation: Uses one's own growth factors to help stimulate hair growth and prevent hair from falling out. Causes growth in the hair follicles by activating stem cells in the follicles. Also helps speed up the rate of hair growth. Injected into thinning areas. Takes about 6 months to see optimal results after completing a series of treatments. Patient's require a minimum of at least 3 treatments spaced out about a month apart. Patients may require multiple vials to optimize results. Minor Discomfort and swelling can occur following and during the treatment, avoid hair styling products for a few days. This treatment is not a cure for hair loss. Facial Rejuvenation: Injected directly into face, PRP will help stimulate collagen production and help address laxity, crepey skin, and fine lines. PRP will not provide as much volume and structure as Dermal Fillers however will create volume over a period of time and a series of treatments.
