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V-Form (Breast Augmentation)
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Breast Augmentation, also called breast implants or mammoplasty, is one of the most common surgical procedures that Dr. Sheila Nazarian, your Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, performs in Nazarian Plastic Surgery. It is commonly used to give more fullness and a slight lift to the breasts. There are different types of breast implants used to enlarge breasts. Dr. Sheila Nazarian can help you decide which options work best for your particular type of body. Types: Silicone- Form stable, shaped, gummy bear, round, textured and smooth, Saline- Textured and smooth, Fat- Natural, soft and smooth. The types of breast augmentation incisions contribute to the successful outcome of breast augmentation procedures. To reduce any visible scars and to achieve the most natural looking results, Dr. Nazarian utilizes small incisions placed either beneath the breast in the natural skin fold or along the edge of the areola where they are less obvious. Incision underneath the breast (inframammary augmentation) Incision on the lower half of the areola (periareolar augmentation) Incision through the armpit (axillary augmentation) Incision through the belly button (umbilical augmentation) Breast augmentation surgical procedure typically lasts around 2 to 3 hours. Dr. Nazarian's goal is to achieve a natural, attractive look. As a woman, she understands what women want
