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Bellafill 1 Syringe
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Package pricing for Bellafill is available. Dr. Rich is the #1 Bellafill injector in the United States, and has injected over 6,000 syringes of this product. Dr. Rich is one of a handful of injector trainers in the USA for Bellafill. Bellafill is a smooth filler made up of collagen, lidocaine, and PMMA. Per the FDA release, the PMMA is non-absorbable. It is also FDA approved as an acne scar filler. The price listed is for one syringe. We often use a cannula for injection so that the product is literally 'air brushed' where it is needed and the bruising, swelling and discomfort is much less than when a needle is used for the injection.

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3 syringes of Bellafill for acne scarring, full face. Results are typical and do vary.